ETS Benchmark Result Viewer

This page generates graphs from data produced by the ETS benchmark which is defined in the function ets_SUITE:throughput_benchmark/0 (see "$ERL_TOP/lib/stdlib/test/ets_SUITE.erl").

Note that one can paste results from several benchmark runs into the field below. Results from the same scenario but from different benchmark runs will be relabeled and ploted in the same graph automatically. This makes comparisons of different ETS versions easy.

Note also that that lines can be hidden by clicking on the corresponding label.

Paste the generated data in the field below and press the Render button:

Include Throughput Plot
Include % More Throughput Than Worst Plot
Include % Less Throughput Than Best Plot
Bar Plot
Same X Spacing Between Points
Show [set,public,{decentralized_counters,false},{write_concurrency,true},{read_concurrency,true}]
Show [set,public,{decentralized_counters,true},{write_concurrency,true},{read_concurrency,true}]
Show [ordered_set,public,{decentralized_counters,false},{write_concurrency,true},{read_concurrency,true}]
Show [ordered_set,public,{decentralized_counters,true},{write_concurrency,true},{read_concurrency,true}]